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16 signs Christmas had definitely arrived when you were a kid

“Got a whole lot of things for Christmas…”

1. When this came on the telly

cola Source: YouTube

2. And then these lads not long after

budweiser Source: YouTube

3. When you heard the Penneys jingle

Source: Primark/YouTube

4. When you were allowed to put the Father Ted Christmas special video on for the first time

A Christmassy Ted (1996) Source: BlogSpot

5. When the amount of biscuits in the gaff suddenly increased by approximately 78%

2012-04-17 20.18.22 Source: BlogSpot

6. When this landed into the house from the shops

chr Source: Adverts

And the circling began.

7. When you started eyeing up deals in the pound shop as presents for your siblings

2-euro-shop_1 Source: Hey Ali Wordpress

They weren’t great but you were hardly going to be buying something proper.

8. When you’ve narrowed down your present selection after about six month’s of preparation

131-garage-1 Source: Judysvintagefptoys

9. When the Toy Show mania was in full flight

00083a3a-1500 Source: RTE

10. Suddenly there was a (limited) supply of soft drinks in the house

11. When The Big Big Movie on Saturday started playing Christmas films

15994bb3-cb03-4f6d-a97b-3e502ce95f67 Source: Imgix/Bustle

Namely, The Santa Clause.

12. If you weren’t from Dublin, your annual festive trips to the big shopping centres was the klaxon you were waiting for

Tallaght-1XX-1200x700 Source: Bkd

13. Not being allowed eat anything nice in the house, even though there were mountains of food

mikado Source: Flickr/Pete Burrows

14. And certain rare brands were now seen around the house

15. You sang along to all the bad words in Fairytale of New York

fairycover Source: YouTube

16. And finally… “santy’s watching” was now said on a daily basis – used as the most effective parenting tool ever invented

anigif_enhanced-buzz-17721-1427064274-8 Source: Buzzfed

And it worked like a charm.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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