Dublin: 9 °C Sunday 2 March, 2025

Which Christmas Film Are You?

Keep the change, ya filthy animal.


1. Choose a sweet
The Coffee One
The Purple One

Fruit Pastille
Emerald caramel
2. Choose an album
Zig and Zag - Never Mind The Zogabongs
Joni Mitchell - Both Sides Now

Michael Bublé - Crazy Love
Foo Fighters - In Your Honour
3. Which of these presents would you most like to receive?
A Nerf gun
A steering wheel cover

A scarf
A Breaking Bad boxset
4. Choose a notions crisp

5. Where would you like to go on a mini break?

New York
6. Which of these are you likely to do at the Christmas party?
Lob the gob on someone
Cry under a table

Keep everyone supplied with drinks
Go home early to watch telly
7. Pick a Bill Murray film

8. If you had to wear a Christmas jumper, which one would it be?

9. Which of these appeals to you the most?

10. And finally, choose a word

Answer all the questions to see your result!
You scored out of !
You're Home Alone
Buzz! Your girlfriend! Woof!
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You're The Muppet Christmas Carol
Light the lamp, not the rat!
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You're Die Hard
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You scored out of !
You're The Grinch
Where is your Christmas heart, you monster?
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You're Love Actually
Eight IS a lot of legs David!
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You're National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Sh*tter's full!
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You're Elf
Smiling's your favourite.
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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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