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The 6 best Christmas movies that aren't actually Christmas movies

Come with me, and you’ll be in a world of pure imagination…

OUR DEFINITIVE RANKING of Christmas Films from worst to best was dedicated to Christmas films only.

Films that are wholly or partly set at Christmas were exclusively eligible, while movies that are simply shown around the festive period, or feel that they should be Christmas films but aren’t were cruelly cast aside.

That’s all about to change though!

Here’s our homage to the 7 best Christmas Films that have nothing to do with Christmas…

1. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Technically you could argue that a film about chocolate is inextricably linked to Christmas.

However, the 1971 adaptation of the Roald Dahl book actually has nothing to do with the festive season, apart from the fact that it has become a Christmas TV staple.

In fact, it’s on RTÉ One on Christmas Eve at 1.50pm. Get your gob around a selection box and settle in.

Even with its exceptionally sinister characters like this guy:


This lad:


And the main man himself:

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Willy Wonka remains a firm Christmas favourite…

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2. The Sound of Music

Surely Julie Andrews was Mrs Claus in a past life? She just exudes Christmas, and it’s no surprise she makes it onto this list twice.

Her star turn, of course, is as Maria in The Sound of Music.


No Christmas is complete without you sitting under a blanket feasting on chocolate orange segments, all the while desperately trying to remember when you were sixteen, going on seventeen.

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Psst if you fancied Captain Von Trap rotten, that’s fine by us…

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3. Mary Poppins

One of this year’s big Christmas films in the cinema is Saving Mr Banks, based on the story of the making of Mary Poppins.

But what of Mary Poppins herself? No Christmas would be complete without Mary’s no-nonsense attitude and a few dancing penguins.

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4. The Wizard of Oz

When you were a chiseller the Wizard of Oz seemed like it was 17 magical hours long.

In actual fact, it’s not even two hours long, but what a ‘not even two hours’ it is! Judy Garland leads her motley crew along the yellow brick road to the Emerald City and the film deals with the issues of family, friends and coming home.

Sure what’s more Christmassy than that?

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5. Planes Trains and Automobiles

This John Hughes film managed to be both heartbreaking and hilarious as John Candy and Steve Martin were thrown together in an effort to get home in time for Thanksgiving.

Candy stars as a successful shower curtain ring salesman…


While Steve Martin’s Neal Page is a business man fast running out of patience…


And of course, there’s this:


6. Singin’ in the Rain

There’s a reason why More 4 is showing Singin’ in the Rain on Christmas Day, and that’s because it’s a stone cold classic.

Gene Kelly skipping the light fandango through the rain is one of the most memorable movie scenes of all time, and of course there’s the table top dancing and the epic performance of Good Morning by the three leads.

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And of course there’s Kelly lobbing the gob on Reynolds in the final scene, the sly old dog! Perfect bit of romance this holiday season.

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A Definitive Ranking of Christmas Films from Worst to Best>

Here’s what happened when everyone on Twitter watched Elf together>

This video of Dublin at Christmas is magical>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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