IT’S NOT EVEN December yet, but sure LOOK.
1. Don’t we have random piles of heroes and quality street threatening to knock us over in Dunnes and Supervalu?
2. We’re already SO EXCITED for the Toy Show
Just two weeks to go, lads! What goodies are you getting?
3. You’ve spotted a Christmas tree
4. We’ve had the annual ‘complain about the Christmas lights switching on event’ episode of Liveline
5. Brown Thomas have started personalising completely ridiculous things
Want your face on a bottle of champagne? Feck it, it’s Christmas!
6. Christmas FM comes out of hibernation
It’s starting on Monday the 28th. EXCITEMENT.
7. The countdown is on until Larry Gogan plays the first Christmas song on the radio
8. Everyone is chatting about where their Christmas party is going to be
9. Social media has been flooded with photos of a tiny amount of slush snow
10. Pantos are advertised everywhere
With some questionable line-ups.
11. Every coffee shop is trying to shove a gingerbread syrup-soaked cup of milk down your throat
12. Penneys are tempting us with Christmas pyjamas
13. Moaners are complaining everywhere
14. Someone has brought a box of Quality Street or Roses into the office
15. You’ve had a Christmas sandwich for lunch
16. Your mam has already doused several Christmas cakes in whiskey
17. And most important of all, Whatsapp groups have been established to set up plans with emigrant friends
We’re well on our way to festive pints.