APART FROM THE fact that all the actual Christmas stuff is over, there are some definitive tell-tale signs that we are done with the festive season and we just have to get on with it.
Here they are – you know there is no going back now so let’s embrace it being over.
1. The Christmas tree needs to come down
You were filled with such hope when you put it up, remember? Now, it’s a just a tree that needs to be taken down – a reminder of good times gone. The chore of taking down the Christmas tree seems to get worse every year – but those extra decorations looked so good in mid-December.
2. The streets are empty
Those once-vibrant streets now seem to be filled with boarded-up buildings with no people to be seen anywhere. A tumbleweed will casually blow past you as you stroll.
3. People start talking about summer. Alot
4. The pubs are hollow shells of their former glory
Pre-Christmas, you couldn’t have imagined them like this. You look around to see one person at the bar, and then you know. Christmas is officially over.
5. TV returns to normal
Suddenly, top notch films aren’t being played at 11am for your entertainment. It’s all back to normal. It’s so much worse this way.
6. Only the worst items remain in the January sales
It’s January! So this means that the shops have been cleaned out of all their “sale” stock leaving only a few horrific items behind. On top of that, the only sizes left are XXXXL and the socks are all inexplicably odd. Thanks, Stephen’s Day.
7. Easter Chocolate is on sale
Who is buying Easter-themed chocolate on January 5th? Would regular chocolate not suffice until at least February?
No, because apparently it’s Easter right now.
8. The radio is now a Christmas-free zone
This is perhaps the saddest revelation in this whole sorry debacle. These tunes are not coming back for a long, long time.
9. Old Christmas trees start popping up everywhere
Seeing the tree get carted off can be a sad experience, but there is a whole new year to look forward to and we’ve certainly had our fair share of Christmas fun. Let’s look on to 2015 with some optimism.