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Here are the stages of getting up on Christmas morning

… no matter how old you are

DON’T WORRY, YOU’RE not the only one awake and reading this.

All across the land kids and adults alike have been up with the birds, excited about the day ahead.

Here are the 14 stages of getting up on Christmas morning…

3.47am: Wake with a start

Is it too early to get up? Has he been yet? It is really Christmas, or did I just dream it was Christmas?

Source: Thejournal

3.51am: Back to sleep

It’s not too early to get up, I’m getting u…ZZZZZZZZZzzzzz

Source: Imgur


It’s definitely okay to get up now. It definitely is.

Source: Thejournal

 6.36am: Aaaand I’m up

Out of the bed….

Source: Imgur

6.37: DidHeCome?DidHeCome?DidHeCome?

Down the stairs….

Source: Imgur

6.38am: The calm before the storm

Source: www.shutterstock.com


7.00am: Carnage

Source: pennuja

7.20am: THE DEN IS ON!

Is there anything better than Christmas morning Den? (Even if Ian, Ray, Zig and Zag aren’t with us anymore)



7.40am: First Curly Wurly

What? It’s acceptable at Christmas.

Source: Creased Design

7.40am: First fistful of Pringles

Totally logical follow up to the Curly Wurly.

Source: Javier Aroche

8.00am: The Snowman is on!

Oof. RIGHT in the Christmas.

Source: Tumblr

8.34: Second Curly Wurly of the morning, and a few Roses

Purples ones first, of course.

Source: loopingstar

9.00: First mention of mass

mass Source: Shutterstock.com

And so Christmas morning ends, and Christmas Day begins.

Happy Christmas everyone, from all at DailyEdge.ie!

Source: Uproxx

Read: The 10 stages of Christmas Eve you went through as a child>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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