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This town built a church shaped like a shoe to attract female worshippers

Someone’s been watching too much Sex and the City.

EVER WISH MASS was more, well, glamorous and feminine? This Taiwanese city understands.

shoechurch Source: YouTube

Officials in the city of Jiayi have decided to build a church in the shape of a giant blue high heel to appeal to female worshippers.

According to the Daily Mail, the structure is 55 feet tall, and made of 320 pieces of blue glass.

churchshoe Source: YouTube

City spokesperson Zheng Rongfeng said that the church will have “100 female-oriented features”, including seats for ‘lovers’, biscuits, and cakes.

He added the church, which is not yet attached to any particular denomination, will be perfect for “romantic photographs”.

We have yet to ascertain if they do a good short Mass, which is arguably more important.

Source: Ocnum/YouTube

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