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The real story behind the photo of a hare 'with a cigarette in its mouth' at Dublin Airport

What a saga.

YOU NEED A certain indescribable, unspeakable quality to become a viral sensation on the Irish internet.

Like Pint Baby, Pintman… pint anything, really.

But yesterday we got something slightly different when Louise Acheson aka @ach0 tweeted out a picture of a hare in Dublin Airport. But this wasn’t just any old hare – it looked like it had a cigarette in its mouth

Casually puffing away.

She couldn’t really believe what she’d seen, as she wrote:

In things I never expect, a hare with a cigarette in its mouth just ran past me @DublinAirport!

But it quickly transpired that the exact same “smoking hare” had been spotted a couple of weeks ago and reported on by The Irish Sun

haretoday2 Source: The Irish Sun

Since Louise’s tweet yesterday, the smoking hare of Dublin Airport has become a bonafide Irish internet phenomenon – with the #cigharette hashtag trending around the country

harelarious Source: @call_me_elliee

And the little rascal hit the front page of Reddit in the process - with this delightful title:

Breaking: Hare with fag in its mouth spotted waiting for bus at Dublin Airport.

Generally, people are baffled by the very idea that the hare could have picked up a ciggie and carried it around so much that he/she’d be spotted on two separate occasions

Within hours though, some knowledgeable people had called out the cigarette theory and put forward their own hypothesis

haretoday3 Source: @ZwartblesIE Twitter

And sure enough, Dublin Airport confirmed this afternoon that the hare is known to authorities and the “cigarette” in question is an overgrown tooth

DailyEdge.ie has reached out to the Zoology Department in Trinity College Dublin and they are researching this important matter as we speak.

But one thing is for sure – the Dublin Airport Smoking Hare is now a thing

More as we get it.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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