WHICH NEW MOVIE release is worth the price of a cinema ticket this weekend?
We’re here to help you decide just that, with these trailers.
Out of the Furnace
For fans of: Christian Bale, mumbling Affleck
Avoid if: You prefer happy families
Bale undergoes yet another transformation to play a hard-working man, Russell Baze, whose soldier brother Rodney (Casey Affleck) gets mixed up in some very dangerous business. When his brother goes missing, Russell is forced to put his own life on the line.
- RottenTomatoes.com critics’ rating: 52 per cent. Audience rating: 53 per cent
That Awkward Moment
For fans of: Michael B Jordan
Avoid if: You want to remain sane
One of those films that will make you sorry you’re a human being.
- RottenTomatoes.com critics’ rating: 15 per cent. Audience rating: 93 per cent want to see
I, Frankenstein
(ROBB TV/YouTube)
For fans of: Monsters,
Avoid if: You’re Mary Shelley
The story of Frankenstein’s monster – er, called Frankenstein and played by Aaron Eckhart here – gets a futuristic action film reboot. It’s set in a dystopia where demons and gargoyles are at war, and is a rather supernatural trip indeed. Hmmm.
- RottenTomatoes.com critics’ rating: 5 per cent. Audience rating: 54 per cent