WHAT A NIGHT it has been.
Donald Trump is has become the President of the United States.
And CNN pundit Van Jones’s heartfelt on-air response is going viral
Tearing up, Jones talked about parents all across America:
It’s hard to be a parent tonight for a lot of us. You tell your kids, don’t be a bully. You tell your kids, don’t be a bigot. You tell your kids, do your homework and be prepared. Then you have this outcome and you have people putting children to bed tonight. They’re afraid of breakfast. They’re afraid of, how do I explain this to my children?
Jones talked about immigrants friends and Muslim friends who have been texting him all night. Sitting beside Republican and Democrat analysts alike, he summed up what many people were feeling:
This is a deeply painful moment tonight. I know it’s not just about race. There’s more going on than that, but race is here too and we have to talk about it.
And it’s one of the most viral moments from the TV coverage of the election
Provoking a spirited response
And respect for his compassion
It got a few people emotional after months of watching it all unfold
It’s been a long, long night for everyone involved.