THIS IS JOHN Kavanagh, the coach who helped Conor McGregor get to the top of the UFC.
This is a JJ Kavanagh & Sons coach.
We could see how you could mix them up. Kinda.
Áine Leen messaged Coach John Kavanagh on Facebook the other day with a very specific query:
Hi, I’m just wondering if ye do any coaches from Killarney to Castlebar, Killarney to Galway, or Limerick to Castlebar or anything along that line? And if so will they be running on Sunday? Thanks.
It wasn’t until she got an automated response about training and McGregor and PR offers that she realised what she had done.
Her plea did not go unnoticed, however – despite the assertions that he would not reply, Coach Kavanagh made an exception:
Would you not offer her a lift, Coach? It’s the least you could do.