IF YOU LIKE a good cocktail, we know what yer like.
1. Cosmopolitan
You’re a wannabe Carrie Bradshaw who can’t quite stomach the taste of alcohol. Safe to say, you’re ACTUALLY a Miranda, and have been wearing the same sugary Anna Sui perfume since you were sixteen.
2. Pina Colada
Unless you’re on a beach somewhere you’ve got some serious notions about your place in life right now. That pina colada isn’t going to turn the local into Montego Bay, and you damn well know it. You’re a fantasist, a dreamer, and you constantly smell like coconut body butter.
3. Sex on the Beach
You’re the first one to go for the two for one on the American theme restaurant cocktail menu, regardless of how they might taste. You hate most spirits and usually end up puking pink at the end of a night out.
4. Moscow Mule
You’re a modern aul lad or aul wan at heart and the one your mates go to when they have a problem or an ailment. You can drink with the best of them, and don’t have many pretentions.
5. Long Island Ice Tea
You’re here to get f**ked up as quick as possible. Only the most hardcore go for the Long Island Ice Teas, which consist of every spirit known to man. You pour notoriously big shots when you’re making prinks and you’re the best craic on a night out.
6. Old Fashioned
You’re SUPER picky. The most picky person ever. You think you have good taste, but mate, you’re just picky. You never eat anything or take a sip of a drink without announcing your opinion to the table. The good news though, is that you smell like pine trees and your jumpers feel expensive.
7. Whiskey Sour
Your tastebuds are dead. You love hot food, cigs, foamy coffees, and don’t go mad on the beers. One or two is enough before you’re home on the sofa drunk shopping online for things you don’t need.
8. Martini
You’ve got a serious taste for booze and the prospect of a mixer is a joke to you. You don’t have time for the fiddly things in life, only spending money on the no-frills necessities.
9. White Russian
You probably go to the gym a lot and know about three different languages. You don’t take your cocktails lightly and have a stomach of metal. The chances of getting you to a local are slim to none. You wear a lot of beige and have been known to wear sunglasses indoors.
10. Mojito
You definitely started drinking before you were of age, and were the only one in your class to boast about not sticking to the pledge. You’re happy enough to drink your mixed drinks out of a can, and will join a sesh at a minute’s notice.
11. Margarita
You’re loud and will be the first one to order a round of shots for your group, uninvited. You love theme nights and getting dressed up for a hen or stag is the best craic you think you can have.
12. Mai Tai
Aren’t you just a little bundle of joy? You’re the one who constantly suggests after work drinks and you think you’re way classier than you are. SORRY.
13. Manhattan
You probably have the penthouse apartment in your building and completely have your shit together. Well done, you. You welcome the haters.
14. Bloody Mary
You’re glam and go to brunch every Sunday with your group of cool friends. You rarely get hangovers and can look well and fresh after a two day sesh. How DO you do it?
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