OCCASIONALLY, AN ISSUE of taste divides Irish Twitter.
The last one that springs to mind is the great dressing gown/house coat row that crops up every few months as the weather gets colder.
Now, however, it’s coddle that’s tearing the site apart.
Coddle is most commonly made up layers of roughly sliced sausages and rashers with chunky potatoes, sliced onion, salt, pepper, and a herb of your choosing.
It appears a fuss was kicked up all the way back in September, when Twitter user Darach O’Séaghdha (@TheIrishFor) gave the Irish for (duh) coddle in one of his tweets.
Fighting talk, to say the least. But what about the pro-coddle side?
They came out in their droves to defend the boiled sausage soup loved by the Dubs.
Others were just confused as to WTF was going on.
BRB, writing my thesis on the topic of ‘social media as an educational tool’.
Now, O’Séaghdha seems to be prepared to engage in some kind of colossal coddle cook-off with a Twitter follower in a bid to prove that it is an inferior meal.
It’s a good distraction from the horrors of the world ATM, if nothing else.
That said, we’re no closer to figuring out whether coddle is actually delicious or not – just that’s universally divisive (the jury’s also still out on its nutritional soundness).