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Here's why coffee is SO much better than tea

It gives us LIFE.

WE’RE A NATION of tea lovers, but it’s time we all admit that coffee is way better.

First cuppa in casa Del keane #newhome#firstcuppa#teatime#makingahouseahome#delonghi#nexthome#barrystea#casadelkeane Source: xxshellysuttonxx

Forget Barry’s or Lyons, coffee is the real winner


1. It is your ONLY man in the morning

Tea is for the weak, and doesn’t give you half the caffeine boost of a smooth cup of joe/

Start the day right. Such a nice day where shall we go. #morningcoffee #illy #sun #happy #love #adventure #dublin #dayoff #nothingisordinary Source: stephen.dixon

2. It’s social

Nobody ever asked you to meet up over tea.

Heading to South Perth this morning to explore new coffee place #Goodmorning coffee #morningcoffee #coffeeaddict #coffeeholic #breakfastperth #perthlife #urbanlisted #perthfoodie #instaphoto#interior #interiordesign #blackandwhite #niceplace #nicefood #perthbreakfast #pertheat #perthfoodadventures Source: annaquynhtran

3. You can get SO many different varieties

Yes, you can get loads of different teas… but they taste so drastically different.

☕️☕️ lovely life & a cup of coffee #lifestyle#copenhagen#meandfriends#lovemylouis#fashion#vesterbro#coffee#girltalk# Source: e.bisharate

4. It smells so much better

What does tea even smell like? Nothing.

로스팅기영입후 테스팅중.. #coffee#cafe#당산동카페#콩볶는 Source: thenextdoorcoffee

5. It’s extra pleasing to the eye

Especially when latte art is involved.

6. Coffee is more nutritious

Some coffees contain a hint of calcium, protein, phosphorus and potassium, all before milk is even added.

تطير الأشعار من قلبي ولا جنّك .. وأموت حيرة وتبرد قهوتي بكوبي .. Source: maha_l86

7. Tea is too chill

Tea calms you down, coffee makes you feel like a superhero.

giphy Source: Giphy

8 Basically, coffee is the best

Does anyone have any coffee?

Just thought I'd throw this out there! Source: your_nexxt_obsession_xoxo

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