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14 things everyone who went to Colaiste Chonnacht will remember

The Spidéal massive.

COLAISTE CHONNACHT WAS the crown Gaeltacht in Connemara.

1. Spidéal was YOUR town

Or street, more like. Be gone tourists and locals, we’ll take it from here.

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2. You practically lived in this jumper

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What colour is it gonna be THIS year?

3. The college itself kinda looked like the Father Ted house

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4. You spent most of your time on this beach

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Sure look, it was like The OC.

5. You got the shift walking down this road

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You’ll never forget how those dead trees and stone walls made the perfect romantic scene.

6. A trip to this shop was a highlight

You’d get a 99 and a heap of sweets to get you through until you got to go back.

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7. You never got sick of the tourists here

The MANY MANY tourists. There most likely was an American spotted that everyone fancied.09

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8. The bus trip to Galway was one of the most anticipated events

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9. These wooden desks were the death of you

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10. Dubs versus Culchies matches were all you lived for

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11. It’s been going for literally ever

OK, but about 100 years. There’s a good change your parents used to go their so you feel attached to it for life.

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12. You weren’t able to have a boyfriend or girlfriend

It was literally against the rules, but that didn’t stop you.

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13. Classes ended at 1.30pm, but all hell broke lose at half seven

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14. It was the best time ever, let’s sing ourselves out with the Colaiste Chonnacht song


Source: Daley McLoughlin/YouTube

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