EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the best of the day’s celebrity dirt from the top to the very bottom.
Loose woman and Nolan sister, Coleen Nolan, has admitted that she listened to her son having sex for a whole FOUR MINUTES. We’re vomiting, everywhere. Send help. And cleaners.
Not only did she have a good eavesdrop when her son Shane Junior her by accident at 4am, she listened to the voicemail he had unknowingly left while in the throes of passion and was left ‘dead impressed’ by what she heard.
Young Shane Junior later tweeted, basically summing up the mortification for all
Anna Kendrick said she’s totally not embarrassed by her infamous Ryan Gosling masturbation tweet. The actress told Nylon magazine that she doesn’t regret a tweet she sent two years ago about getting-off-to-Gosling in the back row.
She said:
Thank God I’ve never been in a room with him! I don’t feel embarrassed, though. I’m sure he has a sense of humour. But I’d probably feel like I’d have to address [the tweet], and I’d end up saying something to make it much, much worse.
She also said of Twitter in general “I don’t give a f*ck. Twitter is only 140 characters. There’s really not that much that I could reveal, then regret later”.
Bruce Jenner has had his face superimposed on an actresses face on the cover of a US tabloid. The image of Jenner atop Dynasty actress Stephanie Beacham’s face is captioned with Bruce’s Story, My Life As A Woman.
The cover is outraging a lot of people.
Jenner has never commented about changes in his appearance but gossip magazines in the states have constantly speculated that he is in the process of transitioning to a woman. Daily Mail.
And the rest of the day’s celebrity dirt…
- In the least rock and roll news ever, Robbie Williams and Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page are in a land dispute (Telegraph)
- Zac Efron really likes Matthew McConaughey’s wife Camilla Alves’ new hairdo… for some reason (Buzzfeed)
- Hubes was out in the rain the opening night of the Walworth Farce last night (Goss.ie)
- John Travolta took a selfie with a gym goer at 3am on Tuesday night. Cool (The Mirror)