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The latest body shaming 'collarbone challenge' is already being ripped to shreds

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coll2 Source: Weibo

LAST WEEK IT was the belly button challenge, this week it’s the collar bone challenge.

The latest social media trend in China involves displaying how many coins you can hold on your protruding collarbone.


Well, it seems to be the most recent in a trend showing of fitness and thinness. The more your collarbone protrudes, the more coins you can hold.

With the belly button challenge, your ability to reach your belly button from behind supposedly displayed a good figure.

coins Source: Weibo

Are many doing it?

Metro reports that while the challenge doesn’t appear to have spread too far from China, it did amass 34 million participants there in 24 hours on Weibo, the country’s Twitter equivalent.

There’s a backlash, right?

Yes, as with all preposterous carry on, it’s not long before people bring it crashing back down to earth.

body Source: seventeen.com

And just like there was a swift response to the belly button challenge in the form of #BoobsOverBellyButtons, people are now seeing how far they can push the limits of their collar bones.

fruit Source: Weibo

curry Source: Weibo


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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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