COLLEGE LIFE, IS the good life. You just don’t know it yet.
1. This regular sight when you walk into the kitchen
2. Your interpretation of a balanced diet
3. You’ll go to the recycling bin LATER
It’s actually become a bit of a ‘feature’ now.
4. Word counts, the bane of your life
Only just slightly less than the word count, which is 600 words, to go so we are all thankful for that, thankful for almost meeting the word count, we are.
It’s still TOO SHORT.
5. Life without a toaster
You’ve gotta get creative.
6. You tried, but it’s still not good enough
7. The ‘notes are on Moodle’, and ‘read pages’ cause immediate tune outs in students all across the land
8. When you’re buying twenty books you’ll rarely look at
9. Doing maths homework and praying for a miracle
10. You never knew how frugal you could be
11. Don’t get started on group projects
12. College life is just a heap of constant stress, mostly brought upon by yourself
13. And begging. All the begging
14. Setting alarms for your morning lecture is all well and good before they actually go off
15. Then there’s basic personal care
What is this? Adult hour?
16. You’ll sort it all out some day though, honest