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These teenagers have invented condoms that change colour if you have an STD

And the whole world is now OBSESSED.

SCIENCE IS THERE to make all our lives easier, and one concept has been unveiled this week that has the internet buzzing.

That’s right, three secondary school students in the UK have won an award for condoms that change colour when they detect a sexually transmitted infection – and are now the darlings of the internet because of it.

teentechone Source: teentech

As Science Alert reports, the delightfully named S.T.EYE condoms work on the following basis: 

[They] have molecules built into the rubber that attach to specific bacteria and viruses. These molecules would then cause the condom to fluoresce different colours in low light.

The students won themselves £1000 at the Teen Tech Awards for their innovation and Daanyaal Ali – who is just 14 – spoke to the Daily Mail about what they were trying to achieve:

We wanted to make something that makes detecting harmful STIs safer than ever before, so that people can take immediate action in the privacy of their own homes without the invasive procedures at the doctors.

The idea is still at the concept level right now, but the students hope to be able to make it a real product in the future.

Here are the three lads presenting to the Teen Tech judges:

teentech2 Source: Teentech

Of course, such an invention is both very helpful and ripe for comedy


simpsons-condoms Source: Mtvnimages

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About the author:

David Elkin

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