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8 confessions that we need to be forgiven for immediately

Big bag of confession with the lads.

YESTERDAY BISHOP KEVIN Doran said that anyone who had voted yes on Friday  is a sinner and should go to confession. Nothing like a bit of Catholic guilt is there?

He did add that confession is a good thing for people to anyway so maybe we should take his advice. Here are some confessions we should consider looking for forgiveness from.

1. Not understanding what all the fuss about Tayto is

Not liking Tayto is practically heresy in Ireland but there are some people out there who just don’t understand what the fuss is about and their souls should be cleansed with a big bag of confession with the lads.

2. Taking your sisters favourite dress when you said you didn’t

Look it’s a well known fact that your sister will ALWAYS have nicer things than you. That applies to clothes, make up, shoes and pretty much everything. We’ve all taken a nice outfit that wasn’t ours and gotten it stained and pretended it wasn’t us. Get the rosaries out.

3. Promising your mam that you ate your dinner when you didn’t

Your mam just wants the best for you but sometimes you just want to get home and eat a load of junk food and not feel guilty but you also don’t want to waste food. So you lie through your teeth and pray that she doesn’t notice and that you don’t up in hell.

4. Not liking tea

There are some heathens out there who just don’t lie tea and while we respect their right to have an opinion, it’s a bad opinion and therefore wrong. You’ll need to say AT LEAST 7 rounds of the rosary. Start counting.

5. Liking the Coronas

There’s nothing inherently wrong with liking them, it’s just that they seem like they’ve been around forever. It also seems like you wish you were back in 2007 and honestly the world has moved on.

Source: Tara/YouTube

6. Liking Orchard Thieves

I am one of the people who needs forgiveness for this rather large sin. We have to admit to ourselves at some point that it’s just apple juice with some added alcohol. We are only fooling ourselves.

7. Doughnuts are overrated

The doughnut craze show no sign of slowing down. That being said we do need to have a long, hard conversation with ourselves about how much we actually like doughnuts. We can only have so many doughnut shops lads. Jesus himself may have to intervene soon.

8. Shifting in public is ok

In every other country in the world, showing your partner that you love them is ok. In Ireland if we see a couple even going in for a HINT of a shift, it’s panic stations all round and someone has a priest on the phone within 90 seconds. Not today Satan.

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About the author:

Rachel O'Neill

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