THE COOKIE MONSTER is the latest to jump on the ‘Call me Maybe’ bandwagon with his own delicious rendition of the catchy pop song.
Following a string of parodies from American university sports teams, cheerleaders, Abercrombie and Fitch guys and Barack Obama, Cookie put a unique spin on the song with his version ‘Share It Maybe.
Cookie sings about something we can all relate to. He meets someone for the first time, they have cookies and he wants them. He spends the duration of the video running around an office trying to pilfer cookies but gets more and more desperate as his attempts fail.
“Hey me just met you and this is crazy, but you got cookie, so share it maybe,” he sings as his cravings for the yummy biscuits grow.
(Uploaded by Sesame Street)
The Harvard baseball team sparked a trend of videos with their fist pumping version of the Carly Rae Jepson hit which went viral in May.
(Uploaded by connerhulse)
The YouTube account barackdubs continued the tradition of combining Obama’s speeches to make up pop songs.
In a surprising outburst on CBS This Morning last month, even Colin Powell chipped in, singing a few lines with host Gayle King.
(Uploaded by madbadhadsad)
And of course, someone has put together a parody with a man dressed as a woman acting like a total eejit. What next?
(Uploaded by The Key of Awesome)