LITTLE GLENN BURATTI turned six last Sunday. He was excited to spend it celebrating with his friends, so his mum Ashlee invited his whole class of 16.
She was heartbroken for her son–who has a mild form of autism–when no one showed. Speaking to the Osceola News-Gazette, she said:
“From the minute he woke up that day he wanted to know how many minutes until his friends came. None of the kids’ parents RSVP’d, but I was still holding on to the hope that some of them would show up. It never crossed my mind that it would be zero”.
Ashlee took to a local community Facebook page to rant.
I know this might be something silly to rant about, but my heart is breaking for my son. We invited his whole class (16 kids) over for his 6th birthday party today. Not one kid came.
With 10,000 members, Buratti began receiving private messages from strangers offering to drop by with a gift for Glenn. The county sheriff’s office asked if they could visit the birthday boy, as well as arranging a helicopter flyover as well as a delivery of presents.
It seems it’s just the start of a beautiful friendship, as the cops stopped by with cars later in the week, and a SWAT vehicle to show their new pal. They even asked the fire department to accompany them with a truck.
Happy endings, as Dad John wrote on Facebook:
Huge thank you to Osceola County Sheriff’s Department, Osceola County Fire Rescue and Frank who owns Koffee Kup for coming to our house today for my son Glenns Birthday. He had such a great time! I’m sure the neighbors were peeking out of their windows or taking cover. Such an amazing thing for our local law enforcement and fire fighters to do for us. Thank you to everyone involved.