Dublin: 7 °C Monday 3 March, 2025

Copyright Policy

  • We respect the copyright of others
  • We strive to credit sources where relevant
  • We do not provide links to websites which object

Our policy is to respect the copyright of others and we strive to credit sources where relevant. While copyright does not subsist in ideas and in principle there is no copyright in the “news”, copyright may subsist in the form in which it is expressed in particular articles. If you believe that any material published in this website infringes copyright, please report it to identifying the specific material that is claimed to be infringing and providing sufficient information to permit us to contact the complaining party.

We do not provide links to sources and publications who object to such linking. If you have an objection to a link to your website, please notify us to identifying the specific material, the link and providing sufficient information to permit us to contact the complaining party.