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A man in Cork made some crucial Photoshop additions before selling his car on DoneDeal

All the memes.

IF YOU’RE HEADING on to DoneDeal looking to sell your Volkswagen Golf, you can’t just put up bog standard pictures like this and expect to get some interested buyers right away:

golf2 Source: DoneDeal

John from Cork knows this – so when he uploaded his ad this morning, he included the regular shots but added in a few creations of his own.

The additional Photoshops definitely lend the ad a touch of glamour it wouldn’t have had without


And the description strikes a similarly bullish tone:

Ladies and gentleman,
Are you sick of not getting a match on tinder? Living with your parents at 27? Your mother still washing your clothes? Still unnecessarily dab in a nightclub even though you’re too old to do it.
Then this is the car for you.

John is not afraid of working memes into the equation either:

“The bootspace is plentiful. Able to hold a good few bags of cans for the boys.”

seal1 Source: DoneDeal

And Pintman Paddy Losty makes an appearance

seal3 Source: DoneDeal

And gets a nice reference in the text too:

Tho be honest the car needs a small clean Job. There’s crips and paynuts shpilt in it, but other than that she’s ready for road.


And just so that people aren’t confused, John clarified some important things at the bottom of the ad:

On a few side notes
1. Mcgregor never stood on the actual thing 2. The real paddy losty never sat on it 3. My buddies benji murph and davey Sulls jnr are still very single.
On another note, the car is genuinely for sale as I’m heading off soon to travel so if you’re interested give us a message.

The asking price is €3000 – but no mention of how many pints come with it.

30 or more, probably.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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