IF YOU GREW up in a Coronation Street house, you will remember just how bonkers and brilliant it was in the 2000s. Take a trip down Weatherfield memory lane with us, won’t you?
1. Richard Hillman
This was really the golden age of the soap, wasn’t it? Richard with his leather gloves and his crowbar, driving the Platts into the canal to the strains of The Wannadies. What a TIME!
2. Curly Watts
There has never been a better supermarket manager. Raquel can go and shite with her modelling career, TBH.
3. Craig Harris
To this day, I can barely say the name Craig without putting on a thick Mancunian accent. CRAAAAIG. Remember when he and Rosie turned goth?
4. Spider
Same goes for Spider, nephew of Emily and eco-warrior who charmed Our Toyah Battersby. SPY-DAH.
5. Cilla Battersby-Brown
Cilla drove Norris daft (which is always entertaining), fought Janice Battersby in the middle of the street, and married Les for the wedding presents. Actual queen.
6. Mike Baldwin
Baldwin v Barlow was one of TV’s great rivalries – they had five fistfights. Five! The pair ended their feud shortly before Mike died of a heart attack in Ken’s arms. D’aww.
7. Candice Stowe
Candice was a bad influence on her best mate Sarah-Louise Platt, and had WAG aspirations. She left the street when – get this – Status Quo offered her a job as a stylist. Glamour.
8. Charlie Stubbs
Another classic villain, Charlie was an abusive asshole who somehow managed to charm half of Weatherfield. He met a sticky end thanks to Tracy Barlow and an ornamental statue, and thank god for that.
9. Ciaran McCarthy
It’s KEET! The hunkiest barman the Rovers has ever seen.
10. Alma Sedgewick/Baldwin/Halliwell
What was it about Mike and Ken that proved so attractive to not only Deirdre, but Alma? We’ll never know.
11. Maxine Peacock
Beloved wife of Ashley (ASHLEH!) Maxine was murdered by Richard Hillman after walking in on him trying to do in poor Emily Bishop. Ah Maxine.
12. Nick Tilsley No 2
This role has been recast three (3) times, but Peak Nick would have to be Adam Rickitt, wouldn’t it? Those curtains captured many a heart back in the day.
13. Karen McDonald
Karen was one of the many women to put up with Steve McDonald over the years, and may we say the best? The feud with Tracy was e v e r y t h i n g.
14. Blanche Hunt
There has never been a sharper tongue. “Good looks are a curse, you and Ken should count yourselves very lucky.” YAS BLANCHE.
15. Fred Elliott
Iconic, I say I say ICONIC.