Whether or not you’re an avid fan these days, if you grew up in a house where Coronation Street was on the box, you’ve learned all about it by osmosis.
There are certain feelings, memories and characters that only a child brought up on a strict diet of Corrie can understand…
1. Rita could almost be one of your aunts or Mam’s friends
Who is that woman again? Is it Rita off Corrie or is it your Auntie Eileen? Childhood memories blur together a bit. Such is the nature of a kind face.
Same goes for Audrey, but let’s face it, she was definitely more of a head-wrecker.
2. Vera and Jack Duckworth are a poster couple for you
They personified true love.
3. “You + Me Song” will always remind you of Richard Hillman
The Street’s serial killer. “THIS IS IT! I LOVE YOU!”
4. You fancied (or wanted to be) Adam Rickett
And you knew guys at school who definitely emulated his classic 90s curtains Sun-In hairdo.
And, of course, you can remember his foray into pop.
5. You can do an incredible Fred Elliott impression
“I say, I say, I say…”
(RIP Fred, of course.)
6. No matter how much the storylines have moved on – to you, Mike Baldwin will always own Underworld
That snake! Poor old Alma.
7. Sarah-Louise’s pregnancy prompted “the talk”
In 2000, the 13-year-old Sarah-Louise fell pregnant with baby Bethany. It spawned serious “talks” up and down the land.
8. Les Battersby’s hair looked kind of like a fluffy baby chick
Didn’t it? So soft. Wonder did he use Janice’s conditioner?
And, look, it’s Maxine!
9. You remember the massive FREE DEIRDRE campaign
Deirdre also is a complete old reliable for you at costume parties.
10. Watching actors make the move from Corrie to the mainstream was thrilling
Like that Helen Flanagan? She’ll always been a prepubescent bratty Webster kid to you.
11. This fact will definitely astound you
Betty Driver played Betty Williams. She passed away in 2011. In the show, she was well-known for her Lancashire hotpot – but in real life she was a vegetarian. So now!
12. You might not have watched it in years, but you’re still absolutely devo about Hayley
A truly sob-inducing storyline.
13. You remember THAT tram collision
Almost 27 million people tuned in to see Alan Bradley get his comeuppance for his psychological abuse of Rita in the late 80s.
(PS, how amazing is Rita’s coat?)
14. Did you have a bit of a thing for Raquel?
15. Steve McDonald… Or Steve Buscemi?
You might not have seen this resemblance as a kid, but it’s undeniable now. UNDENIABLE.
16. Vera Duckworth’s earrings were fascinating
So glam, so fierce, so plastic.
17. Leopard print, to this day, always reminds you of Bet Lynch
Whether you want it to or not.
18. You can’t decide who is more annoying – Sally or Gail
Ugh. Seriously. Sally Webster and Gail Platt. What a gruesome twosome.
19. That theme tune meant dinnertime
Fish fingers and beans and potato waffles. Going down to your nana’s on Sunday. Getting your pocket money and going down to the shop as your parents settled in to watch. The true test of a child who grew up in a Corrie house is their emotional reaction to the opening bars of the theme tune.
Altogether now…