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Cosmo used white models for 'gorgeous' trends and some black models for trends that 'need to die'

It’s causing a real stir online, as you can imagine.

IT WAS WRITTEN nearly three months ago, but that hasn’t stopped a Cosmopolitan beauty article from being criticised for being racist in the last 24 hours.

’21 Beauty Trends That Need to Die in 2015′ was published in January, and the fact that it exclusively used white models to signify the trends that are gorgeous has sparked controversy with some.

In all 21 cases, the ‘gorgeous’ model was white

cosmo1 Source: cosmopolitan.com

With five examples of trends that ‘need to die’ featuring women of colour


This has caused some to call for a boycott of the fashion magazine

With accusations leveled at it that the content is unfair to women of colour in the fashion industry

But many were quick to defend the article – which has nearly 90,000 shares – to say that the fuss is over nothing

Cosmo has not addressed the controversy as of yet.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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