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When creativity goes terribly, terribly wrong

Top marks for effort, zero for execution.

CRAFTY, CREATIVE PEOPLE with access to the internet have a lot to answer for. Not content with just posting their brilliant creations, they give instructions and actively encourage others to try to immitate them.

It will be fun, enjoyable, they said.

Here are a few people who started off with good intentions, but had it all ended in tears.


1. The hair flip

A toughie to remain gracious through.

nailedit Source: Justmemes

2. Nail art

NEVER ends well. Seek professional help, stat.

nailed-it-meme-dumpaday-4 Source: Dumpaday

3. DIY Lampshades

These look more like some sort of sinister insect cocoon than a bright and cheerful room decoration.

3pxgt7 Source: Quickmeme

4. Dip-dye nails

What did we tell you about the nails?

nailed-it-meme-dumpaday-9 Source: Dumpaday

5. Glitter keys

OK this one doesn’t look that hard at all.

3q2wmz Source: Quickmeme

6. Dyed lemons

Now they’re not even trying.

3pt4ue Source: Quickmeme


7. Shelf-less shelves

Pretty in theory, disaster scene in reality.


8. Lord of the Rings Origami

Were the instructions, ‘take a piece of paper in your hand and squeeze’?

nailed-it-origami Source: Smosh

9. Rolling Stone cover star

In fairness, he’s got the pose down.

448306935_on5nZnDb_c Source: Kym-cdn

 10. Crayon art

Never has something been done so wrong.

pinterest-fails-8 Source: Uptenlist

11. Adorable kiddy portraits

Somebody, please think of the children.


 12. A button bowl

At least they’ve got a nice new frisbee.

d1cb994559afe261d0759e60de31a44a Source: Pinstrosity

13. Hair bow

Harder than it looks.

hairbow Source: Pinterestfail

14. Mixed crayons

Well that’s a nice way to find out that you’re ridiculously stupid.

Crayon-Shapes Source: Hawaii

15. Baby’s first Christmas photo

Traumatic for all parties involved. Leave it out.



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