Dublin: 7 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

Now that's what you call creative discipline!

There’s more than one way to teach a kid a lesson.

Image: Smosh

WHEN YOU ARE a child’s caretaker, discipline is important.

It is necessary to teach the child the difference between right and wrong, and occasionally that means you must punish them.

Occasionally, the traditional methods lack the effect you desire.

That’s when you have to get creative, as these people did.

These parents decided humiliation was the best option

Happy Place

This mom used the crime as punishment


Confiscating their daughter’s phone wasn’t enough for these parents…they also had to post regular photos from her Facebook account


This parent who really understands the word ‘consequences’

Fail Blog

This older brother chose amateur pop music as his weapon

Clearly we do not advise this carry on. No one deserves that. Imgur

This parent believed that physical closeness might mean emotional closeness

Meta Picture

Professional skateboarder Tony Hawk may be a fun dad, but he’s also an innovative dad


This high school principal felt the perfect antidote to fighting was a couple of hours of hand holding


This mom believes in a little tit for tat action


For this parent, Christmas is all about gratitude

Fail Blog

Do you believe in creative discipline?  Tell us in the comments.

Haircut or abuse of parental power? You decide>

9 empty threats our parents used to love>

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