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The Creme Egg should be banished from the tub of Heroes immediately

It’s not Easter.

heroescover Source: ChloeTwitter

THE HEROES CHOCOLATES might not have the sweet nostalgia of Roses or the star names of Celebrations – but it’s still a high quality tub of chocolates.

It has the Caramel, the Twirl, the Dairy Milk and the Fudge – all solid, delicious members of the Heroes gang.

But it also has the Creme Egg amongst its ranks, which makes absolutely no sense

Why? Well it’s consistently the least popular of the Heroes in households across Ireland

It’s not Easter ffs

Yes, the Creme Egg is quintessentially an Easter treat – it has no place near a box of chocolates whose most popular time is Christmas

When you think about it, the Creme Egg is nothing short of a festive imposter.

The public want them gone. And the fact that it’s a new addition does not help matters

Because Heroes without the Creme Eggs suddenly look like the best tub of chocolate out there

Imagine that world for a second.

You’d have to question the Creme Egg maniac that forces them on the public

Communal chocolates leave no room for specialist items like the Creme Egg

And the Eclair is not much better either. But at least it makes sense.

A major problem with Creme Eggs is that the Heroes seem to be PACKED with them

Not only do they insist on including them, they insist on there being loads of them to look at with contempt.

Creme Eggs Source: abulhussain

And most upsetting of all, loads of people think they don’t really taste like the real things

It could be the crucial ratio of creme/chocolate killing its chances here

cremeeggs Source: Twitter Maria

This issue impacts on real life

And even fans of the Creme Egg don’t want it sullied by inclusion in a communal, shared box

The public has spoken: more Twirls

We’re losing the Easter uniqueness of the Creme Egg every time it’s picked out of a Heroes box in December.

The madness must stop.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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