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There's a new sausage and rasher flavoured crisp in Ireland - here's the verdict

Tuckatoos are here and they also make a chicken and chips flavour – which were also sampled ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


TUCKATOOS IS A new Irish crisp company that has recently brought two brand new flavours to the Irish public – sausage and rasher, and southern fried chicken and fries.

Launched at the start of June, the corn snacks are now on sale around the country, so we got together a round table of DailyEdge.ie tasters to try them out.

First, the sausage and rasher flavour


The first thing people noticed was the distinctive smell:

They smell like smokey bacon flavour crisps or bacon fries. It smells really like bacon fries actually.

And the actual tasting brought more comparisons to the famous pub snack that is bacon fries:

I probably wouldn’t have it over an actual bacon frie – although the taste is a little more subtle.
The texture is quite pleasing.
They are pleasingly smokey, but not enough taste distinction between the sausage and bacon flavours.


But do they taste like sausage and rashers? The panel was divided:

They taste nothing like sausage and rashers. Nothing.
I think there is a recognisable rasher taste from them.
You taste the rasher at first and then it immediately disappears.

While the consensus was that they certainly had a whiff of rasher from the pack, nobody could really agree on what the crisp combination of sausage and bacon tasted of together.

Second, the southern fried chicken and fries flavour


The first thing you notice about the crisps is that, as above, they are shaped like chicken drumsticks and chips. The chicken drumsticks were especially popular with the esteemed panel:

I thought the chicken ones were absolutely delicious and would eat a packet of them alone. They were brought down by the weak, tasteless, styrofroamesque chips accompanying them, but I accept they might be needed as a buffer for the MSG-tastic taste sensation of the drumsticks themselves.
It’s a pleasant enough corn snack.

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The fries were noted to be relatively tasteless, but at the end a brief hint of an unsalted chip was reported by some:

I think the point of the fries is to provide the bulk and the flavour comes from the drumsticks. You can eat the most of the fries, but they are the least tasty.
I wish there were more of the drumsticks and less of the fries.

So, it was two thumbs up on the chicken drumstick corn snacks, but what would be the perfect setting for such a delicacy?

It might be good if you had a gathering. For those who like corn snacks.

So now.

We’re in a brave new crisp flavour world, everyone. We all must try new things.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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