Dublin: 14 °C Wednesday 26 March, 2025

Irish people were tasting cronuts today and here's how it went

They just look so very delicious.

EARLIER THIS WEEK we got very excited about the fact that cronuts were coming to Ireland.

A mix of a croissant and a doughnut, they’d been on offer for guests at Dublin’s Marker Hotel after becoming a cult hit in New York.

While they’re not yet on sale to the public we are keeping our eyes peeled for any possible cronut sightings as people over here finally get to try them.

Attendees of today’s Dot Conf in Dublin were treated to cronuts as part of their lunch.

The conference was for those with in an interest in all things internet but the main thing to point out is this lucky bunch got to eat cronuts.

We are so very jealous.

The Marker’s Executive Chef  Gareth Mullins was there to talk up the cronut and by the looks of things they were very impressive:

Fluffyblog / Instagram

People at the conference were digging in:

And their taste was so good that they reckoned they came from a very specific place:

And one person, who were exceedingly jealous of, won a box of them

It seems that the Cronut takeover is just beginning and we are now even more excited about them than we were before.

Cronuts are coming to Ireland and you should be very excited>

What is a Cronut and why are people queuing for ages to get them?>

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