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Crown accepts Herbert apology

But the Prof is considering further legal action against media outlets.

Clare Herbert apologised to Crown

Blogger Clare Herbert today apologized to Prof. John Crown over comments made about the consultant oncologist on her blog.

Herbert had been critical of TV3 and of Crown for a St Stephens’ Day report announcing that Minister Brian Lenihan has pancreatic cancer. The blogger received an email from Crown this morning that threatened legal action.

Herbert said: “I would like to unreservedly apologize to John Crown for comments made by me on this blog… I would like to withdraw my remarks and apologize to Mr Crown for any offence caused.”

Responding to the apology Crown told TheJournal.ie “if Ms. Herbert has apologized, I consider proceedings between us to be over, I’m not in the habit of starting legal proceedings against undergraduates”.

“I’m considering legal action against a number of papers” the consultant told TheJournal.ie. Yesterday Crown received an apology from The Sunday Business Post in relation to the same TV3 report.

About the author:

Daire Hickey

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