CHARLIE BROOKER’S 2016 wipe was bound to be a good one.
A lot happened this year, but it was only an hour long. While the broadcaster’s acerbic take on the year went down a treat with viewers, it was Philomena Cunk’s take on the nativity that won over viewers.
Actress Diane Morgan’s character is a particularly dim but inquisitive woman, and usually appears on Brooker’s wipe throughout the year.
But now, she’s out on her own, and she’s got a lot of questions about the holiday season.
On Santa:
On how unfair he is:
Die Hard IS a Christmas movie:
On Christmas decorations:
On bantz:
She is the only journalist asking the big questions
But it was her retelling of the nativity was the real winner
Click here if you can’t see the video.
Basically, this is the version of events we’re going with now