LATE LAST NIGHT, Instagram banned the hashtag #curvy from its site.
So, when you search images on Instagram for #curvy, you are met with this page:
A spokesperson for Instagram told Mashable the reasoning behind the ban:
I can confirm that we did block the hashtag #curvy. It was being used to share content that violates our guidelines around nudity. Please note that the block has nothing to do with the term ‘curvy’ itself.
Instagram have been dealing with issues around nudity on its site recently – most notably the #FreeTheNipple campaign led by Miley Cyrus which then saw many female users photoshop male nipples over their own to highlight the inequality.
The ban on #curvy has led to some outrage over double standards
Speaking to The Huffington Post, activist Sam Roddick sees the banning of #curvy – and not other terms – as indicative of their approach:
My issue is not with what Instagram are allowing, my issues is what they are not allowing. It is so important that platforms like Instagram get behind positive self and sexual expression – body hair, gender representation, body shapes and all the realities of being human.
And, whilst banning some terms, they have left others searchable on the site:
They have banned images of breast feeding, stretch marks, domestic images of menstruation and classical art works that respectfully portray nude women and now they ban the hashtag #curvy. While they allow bitch, fat slag, hookers, thin — this is not a safe platform for women and especially young girls .
But Instagram users, upset by the #curvy ban, have hit back today with a replacement hashtag – #curvee
And it’s exploding in popularity
Allowing #curvy to live on in spite of Instagram’s rules
Long live #curvee.