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21 acts of kindness to animals that will restore your faith in humanity

Prepare your feeeels.

WITH ALL THE cases of animal cruelty in the news lately, we thought we’d attempt to restore your faith in the good guys.

1. A neglected dog gets a haircut

2uahea5-630x420 Source: RAF

kjgnpqo-630x472 Source: RAF

Full story here.

2. A firefighter giving a koala a drink of water during Australia bushfires in 2009

dB4LD Source: AP Mark Pardew

3. This group of people taking care of an pup injured in a protest

4x0t9-people-doing-amazing-things-for-animals-03176 Source: Sunnyskyz

4. The people who made a wheelchair for this little pig, Chris P Bacon

iCfQyTf Source: Imgur

5. And the guy who fashioned one for his goldfish


vu7f7qo-630x472 Source: imgur

6. This police dog’s emotional farewell on his last trip to the vet

police-dog-salute-send-off Source: Old Conoly Memorial

7. These bikers who stopped to save a scared dog on the motorway

Source: WebTV34/YouTube

8. This thoughtful marine


9. This little girl with a heart of gold

qk0gi-people-doing-amazing-things-for-animals-03166 Source: Sunnyskyz

10. This fireman saving a cat from fire in Denmark

n1VXOS1 Source: Imgur

11. The elderly Australians who spend their time knitting jumpers for tiny penguins to prevent them licking toxic oil from their fur when rescued from spills

1725546_709307662423218_221990909_n-630x420 Source: PINP PenguinFoundation

12. A koala upgraded to first class on a flight

oAQroBi Source: Imgur

13. This goose getting some much-needed oxygen from a firefighter

KNXV Goose fido bag_1398312742355_4186042_ver1.0_640_480 Source: Fetch Foundation

14. This old lady feeding her pal with a little puppet

EOlCOpa Source: diebs via Imgur

15. A bunny had bunny slippers knit for it

p1461qM Source: Imgur

16. The little girl who made bunk beds for her cats

XKUggWE Source: Imgur

17. This retiring school dog who was added to the senior’s yearbook

GVuwBle Source: Imgur

18. And the service dog that actually graduated

sjgvy-people-doing-amazing-things-for-animals-03177 Source: Sunnyskyz

19. The little boys who did all they could to save this dog

1d80l-people-doing-amazing-things-for-animals-03182 Source: Sunnyskyz

20. This human who entertained the dolphins for once


21. And finally, this dedicated pair of best friends

right_in_the_feels_19 Source: Cavemancircus

Hugging photo saves dogs from being put down>

If you’re going on holiday and leaving a pet behind, read this>

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