Dublin: 2 °C Thursday 16 January, 2025

VIDEO: Eight weeks of kittens in five minutes

From birth to boxing the heads off each other… check out these amazing furballs.

WHEN YOU RECEIVE an email with the words ‘kitten video’ in the subject title, you can only imagine how quickly we pounce on it… like… er, like a cat.

Gary Dixon sent us this montage of his five kittens from birth to eight weeks, along with mammy cat Porsche.

My particular favourite part comes at 3.33, when one lone kitten realises he is missing out on some craic.

Set your phasers to SQUEE!

Thanks Gary Dixon for the heads up.

We didn’t want to tell you this until after you’d watched the video, but Gary confirms on YouTube that they lost one of the kittens, Simba. Sadface.

VIDEOS: 6 Animals that think they’re something else>

Do you know what dogs and babies hate? Lemons>
