Dublin: 6 °C Monday 10 March, 2025

The best puppy video ever. EVER*


WINKLES THE SHAR Pei lives on Serendipity Farm in Queensland Australia with a selection of cows, pigs, donkeys, horses, birds and cats.

Having viewed this video of his day tipping around the farm, we’re fairly confident in our assertion that it might be the best puppy video ever.

Exhibit A: No fence holds Winkles back

Exhibit B: He’s afraid of tiny piglets but not huge pigs

Exhibit C: This kitten was getting kissed whether she liked it or not

Watch the video and see for yourself:

YouTube/Adam Cox/Via Buzzfeed

VIDEO: The Fresh Pup of Bel Air>

If you don’t laugh at these dogs in shoes, you might be dead inside>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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