WE’VE MADE YOU cry, we’ve blown your mind, and we’ve summed up your life in a few simple pictures.
Now, we’re here to make you say “AWWW.” And you’re gonna say “AWWW”.
1) We’ll start with this smiley lil’ quokka
Look at it. So enthused about that leaf.
2) Now to some otters holding hands while sleeping
It’s so they don’t drift away from each other. CUTE.
3) Norman the snaggle-toothed hedgehog
He’s just had his bath.
4) Two happy, happy dogs at a playground
5) And a tiny pygmy marmoset
A monkey the size of your finger. We want one.
Not cute enough for you? We’re going to get EVEN CUTER.
6) An owl enjoying a pet
7) The adorable Lil Bub
Bub was born with various genetic anomalies which combine to make her cuter than the average kitten. The tongue.
8) Anderson Cooper and Beyoncé, the tiniest dog in the world
9) These pictures of pets growing up
10) French bulldog puppies and a tiny baby, all napping together
11) Dublin Zoo’s new baba giraffe
12) A gorilla mum, snoozing with a gorilla baby
13) A little ocelot (wild cat)
Dem eyes.
14) This stampede of Pekingese puppies
Like fluffy loaves of bread.
15) A red panda trying, fruitlessly, to open a door
We’ll help you, little red panda!
16) And finally – young Ludwig at his birthday party.
He’s having the time of his life.
There. You’ve said it. We know you have. Don’t lie.