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13 of the most cutting things a Dubliner could ever call you

C’mere to me ye dope.

DUBLIN INSULTS CAN be some of the tamest in Ireland, but also some of the most cutting.

1. Clown

Clown is the WORST thing you can be called by a Dubliner. It means they feel too bad for you to actually properly insult you. You’re not worth their insults. You’re just like a clown. A joke.

Larry-Harmon Source: Toledoblade

2. Tick

Have this thrown at you with the right amount of venom and you’ll wake up in a cold sweat about it twenty years on. G’way outta that you little tttttttttick.

3. Dry shite

Not only does this Dublin insult paint a vivid image, it also is an attack on your entire character. You’re boring, about as much craic as a shite that’s been left to dry.


4. Muppet

If you’re called a muppet by a Dubliner, abandon all hope of them ever respecting you again. Muppets are useless, mindless, you.

5. Gobshite

You’re opening your mouth, but all a Dubliner hears is shite coming out. Zip it. There’s extra sting points if it’s preceeded by little. Being a little gobshite is way worse than being a big gobshite.


6. Bleedin eejit

Dubliners will call you a bleedin’ eejit when you do something so stupid, your reputation as a functioning human being has been called into question. It’s not nice to be at the recieveing end of it, but so satisfying to use.

7. Dzzzzope

The longer a Dubliner spreads out the zzzzzzz sound, the more of a dope you are.

superthumb Source: Whicdn

8. Bollix

If you’re a bollix, you’re just a nuisance to everyone involved. Make yourself scarce before you’re called a clown.

9. Shitehawk

This one takes the old shite trope, and makes it a whole new species. A shitehawk is almost a majestically shite shithead.

Red_Shouldered_Hawk_portrait Source: Wikimedia

10. Sap

Ye sap. Horrible. It means you’re not even a badass eejit, you’re just a plain old sappy sap. Go on and cry, ye sap.

11. Harmless

If you’re only harmless, this isn’t meant in a good way. Harmless means you’re so inoffensive, you don’t even matter. You shouldn’t even be there, and aren’t worth getting worked up about in the slightest.

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12. Shitstirrer

Oh, you conniving little dope. Not only are you a little pox yourself, but you spread your poxiness around in attempt to make others look poxy. You brat.

13. State of you

Just, state of you. All of you. No more explanation needed.

200 Source: Giphy

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