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6 ways to heal the rift between motorists and cyclists

Give peace a chance.

IT TRULY IS the David and Goliath of our times… cars versus bikes.

Will there ever be a day when cyclists and motorists can co-exist peacefully on our roads?

Here are a few tips to help us get there…

1. Realise that you fear each other equally

DailyEdge.ie reader Stan Erraught told us last month that:

I cycle. I also drive. And walk.
And whichever one I’m doing, I tend to hate and fear the people doing either of the other two.
It’s like a version of Rock/ paper/ scissors except there’s never a winner.

When driving a car, cyclists are like unpredictable ferrets, liable to dash across the road without warning at any moment, or swerve around an obstacle willy nilly.

When cycling, drivers are lurking bullies, forcing you into potholes and narrow spaces, trying to kill you with every manoeuvre.

2. Respect, respect, respect

Just because someone chooses to drive a car while you choose to cycle or vice versa, it doesn’t mean you’re better than them.


3. Indicate, indicate, indicate

Drivers, always indicate and ALWAYS check for cyclists.

Cyclists, drivers aren’t mindreaders. Let them know where you’re going. And give plenty of notice.

It’s not that difficult.

4. Cyclists, don’t be this guy

Don’t roar at a driver for being in the cycle lane, and then go through a red light seconds later. You look like an arse.

5. Drivers, don’t be this guy

Beeping at cyclists because they’re not sitting in a vehicle being powered by a combustion engine and petrol and therefore aren’t going as fast as you’d like makes you look like an arse.


6. You’re not stuck in traffic, you ARE traffic

Whether you’re in a car or on a bike, you are adding to the problem.

Drivers, don’t dangerously squeeze past cyclists so you can be on your way.

Cyclists, don’t weave through traffic to get there faster.

Share the road.

Flickr/Hey Paul

What are your tips for healing the rift? Let us know in the comments section…

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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