A SURPRISING AMOUNT of adults admit to experiencing coulrophobia, AKA an extreme fear of clowns. And we get it. They’re pretty menacing.
If this sounds like you, you’re probably not doing too well now that the face of Pennywise from It is looming down at you everywhere.
Jason O’Callaghan, a psychologist and hypnotherapist with the D4 Clinic, wants to help anybody affected by the sudden onslaught of clown-related images.
He told Newstalk:
With images of clowns in the media over the next few weeks, this can create issues from mild anxiety to full blown panic attacks for those with coulrophobia.Most people can avoid clowns on a day to day basis but with the image on posters, buses, TV and magazines they may find themselves unable to avoid the image of the clown.
O’Callaghan is offering free downloadable classes to people trying to reign in their coulrophobia – for more information, contact him here.
Best of luck with dealing with the continuing popularity of It, which has made over €200m worldwide and shows no sign of slowing down. And Halloween is just around the corner…