GETTING A DOG is a big responsibility.
One dad decided to ensure his kids knew what they were getting into when they begged him for a new puppy, so he created a massive extensive contract they had to sign.
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The contract was written two years ago by the dad for his kids, aged 10, 11, and 13 when they signed.
It was brought to light this week by Redditor R Johnstone and includes a whopping 13 terms and conditions including:
The dog can is not included by name on the family Christmas card. Also, if there is a picture of the dog on the family Christmas card it shall be merely incidental.
Dad has unrestricted veto over the dog’s name.
The dog is never referred to as a child or a sibling. All parties agree that the dog is a dog.
The kids were more than happy to sign.
It looks like all is going well:
Two weeks after the contract was signed, we got a three year old white fluffy mutt from a shelter that weighs 15 lbs., was already house trained and doesn’t shed or drool. We named him Kershaw (veto power not exercised).
Totally worth it.