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A dad filmed 25 years of his kids coming down the stairs at Christmas... here's where they are now

The wonderful video has millions of YouTube hits.


FROM THE MID eighties to 2009, Nick Confalone’s dad filmed his two kids coming down the stairs on Christmas morning.


For many, getting out of bed and rushing to see if Santa has paid a visit is a precious childhood memory, and the compilation of clips Nick managed to gather resulted in this beautiful montage of a family Christmas.

Source: Nick Confalone/YouTube

The video ends in 2009, but has been widely shared every Christmas since Confalone uploaded it to YouTube in 2010.

Where are they now?

Confalone has made a name for himself as video producer, writer and Vine star, documenting his and his small son Leo’s life.


His sister Tricia married that guy who appears around 2007 in the Christmas video and now works in real estate.


His dad Pat, a retired chemist, was elected as Chairman of the Board of the American Chemical Society in December 2014, and also dipped his toe into the Twitter pool.

Confalone occasionally posts snapshots of he and his sister as we see them in the video; awkward teeenagers.

And he’s continuing the Christmas tradition with Leo, sharing this snippet last year, featuring the same music from the family montage.

Nick told DailyEdge.ie that this year:

My mom, dad, and sister are coming to our house for a big family Christmas, so the tradition continues! (Although we might have to borrow some stairs…)

Happy Christmas Confalones!

‘It was absolutely live’ – Ian Dempsey reminisces on Christmas morning in the Den

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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