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7 times your Dad always has your back

Those moments when your auld fella comes through.

A DAY TO celebrate the Irish Daddy is just around the corner.

Yep, it’s Father’s Day this coming Sunday – this is your friendly reminder to make sure you’ve got your Dad’s back with a great gift, as we all know he always has yours.

1. Practising your golf swing

Even a simple game of pitch and putt down at the local course can end up a master-class in the correct form. Woe betide you if you don’t hold that club correctly, even after he’s been at you about your grip.

Source: Flickr/companygolflessons

2. Finding the biting point

Many of us were taught the Rules of the Road at the hand of our Dads, including a few he just made up and threw in for good measure. The mythical biting point seemed so far out of reach when you first got behind the wheel, but good old Dad was a pretty good teacher in the end. He’s also extremely reliable when it comes to lifts.

Source: thelicenseplatesite.com

3. Vetting your debs date

No one has a keener eye when it comes to your boy/girlfriends than your father. This is never more in evidence than when he stares down your debs date – to ensure they knew their partner for the evening was not to be taken back in a state.

Source: thelogbook.com

4. Some good old fashioned giving out

Step 1: Place an Irish Dad behind a newspaper. Step 2: Wait for the rustling of the pages. Step 3: Enjoy him giving out yards for the rest of the evening about the country.

(See also: an Irish Dad in front of Prime Time.)

Source: deadhomersociety.com

5. If you EVER need some WD40

Dads seem to have an infinite supply of the stuff, ready at a moment’s notice.

wd40 The ideal Dad cake Source: Photobucket

6. Minding the family pet

Despite the fact that Dads are rarely the ones angling to get a puppy or a kitten in the family, they always end up doing the minding. Dads and family dogs often have an unbreakable bond, forged by many walks and never-forgotten feeds.

Source: Yahoo! Answers

7. A good slagging

You wouldn’t want to be getting notions above your station when your Dad is around. Adventurous new haircut? Guaranteed slagging. Fancy new shoes? You’ll regret that.

Since your Dad always has your back, Daddys’ Day is the one day when you can show him you care too. Drop into Centra this Friday the 13th of June for a free Yorkie with every tea or coffee. Participating stores only. Terms and conditions on centra.ie.

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