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The Big DailyEdge.ie Meme Quiz of the Year

Let’s see if you’ve been paying attention.


1. In January, this little guy became a meme who explained to people how to act. But what was his name?

2. Confused Mr Krab was invented in February, but what was he originally disorientated about?
Waking up from a nap
A tough exam question

What time of day it was
3. DAAAAMN Daniel. But why?
He's cute, look at him
His white vans are on point

He can do some sweet skateboarding tricks
4. Why was Pawpaw sad in March?
His grandkids used him to make an internet meme
His puppy died

He was lonely on St Patrick's Day
His grandkids didn't come to dinner
5. Dat Boi took over in April. How do you greet him?
Sup dat boi!
Waddup boi

O shit waddup
6. Chewbacca mom found fame in May. But do you know her real name?

7. Bottleflip teen hero became a well, hero, when he managed to successfully flip a bottle. But where did he first complete the feat?
During a Facebook live
During a football game

At the bottleflip world championship
At his school's talent show
8. In July, what movement was started in honour of Harambe
Justice for Harambe
Dicks out for Harambe

Revenge for Harambe
9. What was Arthur's fist used to express when it became a meme in August?
Silent celebration

10. Michael Phelps' competition face went viral in August. But who was he looking at in the photo?
Ryan Lochte
Chad Le Clos

Masato Sakai
Tamás Kenderesi
11. This guy, Ken Bone, became a massive meme when he asked a question during the US presidential debate. But can you remember what his question was about?

Energy sources
12. The mannequin challenge went mad in November. What's the song used in most of the videos?
Black Beatles
Juju On That Beat

Fake Love
13. Finally, why did this couple become a meme in 2016?
Twitter, Daily Mail
Their plastic surgery went memetacularly wrong
They claimed they were the "best looking couple" in Britain

Their YouTube duet was overshadowed by their meowing cat in the background
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You're about as relevant as the Harambe meme at this stage. Bye.
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Where have you been all year?
You're about as relevant as the Harambe meme at this stage. Bye.
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Where have you been all year?
You're about as relevant as the Harambe meme at this stage. Bye.
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Where have you been all year?
You're about as relevant as the Harambe meme at this stage. Bye.
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Where have you been all year?
You're about as relevant as the Harambe meme at this stage. Bye.
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Pay more attention
Memes are important business, polish up or become as irrelevant as Kenneth Bone.
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Pay more attention
Memes are important business, polish up or become as irrelevant as Kenneth Bone.
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Pay more attention
Memes are important business, polish up or become as irrelevant as Kenneth Bone.
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Pay more attention
Memes are important business, polish up or become as irrelevant as Kenneth Bone.
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Meme queeen
OK you didn't nail it, but you can meme with the best of them.
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Meme queeen
OK you didn't nail it, but you can meme with the best of them.
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Meme queeen
OK you didn't nail it, but you can meme with the best of them.
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Honorary meme master
Which one got you? You must have been off making another meme that day.
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Oh shit waddup meme master
Eh, you're scarily knowledgeable about memes. Are you ever off the internet?
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