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Dublin: 5 °C Friday 28 February, 2025

The 11 best comments left on in 2014 (by green thumbs)

Your finest work this year.

THE VOTES ARE in. The thumbs are counted. And here, ladies and gents, are the most popular comments on in 2014.

This is your finest work… and frankly, there are some absolute gems here.

11. On What it’s like being a non-tea-drinker in Ireland

Source: Dano

10. On The 11 most annoying things you can say to an Irish emigrant

Source: raebrune

9. On These Walmart St Patrick’s Day t-shirts are causing absolute uproar

Source: Walmart

8. On Rose of Tralee Maria Walsh reveals that she’s gay

Source: RTE

7. On 10 things Irish girls love

Source: Annie Mole

6. On 10 things Irish men would like Irish women to know

Source: Shutterstock

5. On Irish girl rejected for job in South Korea due to “alcoholism nature of your kind”

Source: jenny downing

4. On Rose of Tralee Maria Walsh reveals that she’s gay

Source: Rose Of Tralee

3. On ‘Peaches Geldof has died age 25

2. On ‘Peaches Geldof has died age 25

Source: Ian West

1. And on ‘16 stupid questions the internet has about Irish people

Source: Shutterstock

Thanks for reading and commenting all year! A huge round of applause for all of you. BRAVO!

Source: Giphy

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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