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We found out why Daniel O'Donnell is the most googled person in the Falkland Islands

There’s no evidence online to suggest he has ever even played a concert there.

daniel Source: Daniel O'Donnell/Facebook

SOMEWHERE IN THE southern hemisphere, way down at The Falkland Islands, lies a nation of people desperate to find out more information about Daniel O’Donnell. Yeah, we don’t get why either.

In December, TIME magazine compiled a list of each country’s most Googled person.

Ireland’s was fairly boring. Just like 87 other countries, our most googled individual was Donald Trump. I much prefer the sound of whatever is going down in the Falklands these days that has them googling our innocent Daniel O’Donnell so much.

Falklands residents would decide their future in a referendum Someone in this Falklands farmhouse could be Googling Daniel O'Donnell right now Source: DPA/PA Images

So why is Daniel O’Donnell so important in the Falkland Islands?

First it’s probably worth noting that the population of the Falkland Islands is a meager 2,563. Of this number, 2,115 live in the capital town, Stanley.

My first theory about this was that due to the remote location of the Falklands, only a very small percentage of the population have internet access and maybe a dozen people happened to search for Daniel on Google a few times and it resulted in this.

But no. That could not be further from reality. When I checked it out, I found that the Falklands have the highest rate of network usage in the entire world. God, we’re learning a lot today. The tiny population actually means it’s easier for everyone to have internet access.

14440801_1082019585222998_2544570545392949473_n Source: Daniel O'Donnell/Facebook

So surely the Falklands population must be composed entirely of 50+ year old women?

You might think that is the only other possible explanation for this. Think again.

PastedImage-4860 Source: Wikipedia

Only 16.4% of the entire country’s population are females over the age of 50. That’s hardly enough to dictate the nation’s search history. This mystery needs to be solved.

With no other avenues to explore on this, I decided it was time to just ring the Falklands and ask them myself


I googled what time it was in the Falklands, just to make sure I wasn’t waking anyone up and found out that they’re only three hours behind us. My mind was blown by this. Now all I had to do was find a contact number for them and hope that one of the 2,115 citizens of Stanley were ready to answer my question.

I thought of businesses that open every day and decided to look up ‘hair salons in Stanley, Falklands’ because it was the first one that came to mind. They all went straight to voicemail. Maybe hairdressers get a lie on in the Falklands or something.

Falkland Islands stock Source: PA Archive/PA Images

Next up, I decided to try Stanley’s post office. I called ‘Falklands Post Service Limited’. Admittedly, I was really nervous. I had never spoken to anyone from the Falklands before and with such a tiny population, I was scared that the whole country would be talking about the weird Irish girl who called to ask about Daniel O’Donnell.

A lady picked up the phone within a few seconds and I opened with “Hi, weird question here, but is this the Falklands?”. She assured me it was and I explained that I was desperate to find out why Daniel O’Donnell was so popular in the Falkland Islands. (For research, not due to the fact that I’m personally tortured by not knowing).

Taskforce Falkands exhibition opens Somebody standing on the capital of the Falklands Source: PA Archive/PA Images

She instantly knew who Daniel O’Donnell was. She told me that the reason why he was so popular in the Falklands was because the people of the Falklands are crazy about country music. Daniel just so happens to be the entire country’s favourite country music star.

So it is confirmed. Every man, woman and child in the Falklands loves Daniel O’Donnell. He is the Beyoncé of the Falklands.

Source: MsJacky1968/YouTube

ht Joe.ie 

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About the author:

Kelly Earley

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