Dublin: 11 °C Sunday 23 February, 2025

Darth Vader is running for election in Dublin*

*Well, not really.

WITH ALL OF these posters around, it’s easy to start overlooking them. However, those in Ballsbridge may have spotted a rather unusual candidate staring at them from the poles.

It’s only Darth Vader, the Sith Lord himself, looking for your number one vote in the local elections.


BmiHekbIYAAuR6t Source: Invasion_ie

BmfZpcOIQAEopD6 Source: Invasion_ie

BmjYA59IUAE0oqK Source: Brian Kenny

Well, not really. It’s all just some clever promotion for the Invasion Dublin expo taking place in the RDS this weekend. The posters have since been removed as he’s not ACTUALLY running, which is a damn shame. We need to rid the galaxy of rebel scum.

But hey, you can meet him in real life at the weekend. Invasion boasts

life sized replica props and sets from the original and new Star Wars trilogies, and costumed characters so lifelike that even David Prowse (Darth Vader) and Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett) commented were even better than the original.

So now.

Domhnall Gleeson announced for part in new Star Wars film>

Ukrainian authorities won’t let Darth Vader run for president>

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