“THE WIFI IS down.”
The four words nobody wants to hear.
But across Ireland last night, Virgin Media’s internet customers were hit hard with outages
Yes, the great Virgin Broadband crash of 2016 hit various locations across the country, including Dublin, Cork and Galway. It was fixed by midnight, but by then the lack of internet had sent Facebook and Twitter into a bit of a 3G-fueled meltdown.
Step forward one man to calm the masses – Daryll, who was running the Virgin Media Twitter account at the time
He instantly became a cult figure in a few short hours, with people imagining the scene at Virgin HQ
#prayfordaryll started trending too, as customers turned their frustration into respect for the coolest man in Ireland
His responses were getting better throughout the night
Here’s a dramatic reenactment of Daryll in the office last night
While all the issues were getting resolved, people were improvising with their modems
The Darryl Strawberry clip from The Simpsons made an appearance
Eventually, late in the evening, a fix was found
Daryll could head home for the evening, knowing he had manned the barricades impressively at a time of internet crisis.
Who knows what the consequences of the Great Irish Internet Outage will be
It was a… different Tuesday night
Hope you slept well, Daryll
What a night.